
5 Ways to Pray for Your Sponsored Child

When you choose to sponsor a child, you are not only directly empowering them through our three pillars of faith, education, and provision, you also have the unique and intimate opportunity to pray over their lives and future. While Writing a Letter to Your Sponsored Child is a great way to know how to pray for them, here are 5 direct ways of how you can pray for your sponsored child:

Pray for their Health and Wellness

When you think about the wellbeing of your sponsored child, their physical health is likely one of the first things that comes to mind. We believe in a God who shelters, who provides refuge, and who heals. So, as we pray for our sponsored children, let's remember the promise in Psalm 91, that those who dwell in God's shelter are under His mighty protection.

Children growing up in developing areas face different hardships and health hazards than many understand, with diseases like Malaria or Typhoid a reality in everyday life. Let's intercede for their health to be preserved, for them to grow strong and resilient, and for them to be a beacon of hope and strength in their communities.

We can also lift up the health and well-being of those around your sponsored child. Praying for the wellbeing of their family, Ripples staff, teachers, classmates, and everyone around them helps create a circle of protection around them.

Pray for their Spiritual Growth

Beyond our earthly concerns for their physical well being, even more important than that is their spiritual well being and identity in Jesus Christ. Your sponsored child is able to experience the Gospel and love of God through your generosity and partnership. The seed has been planted, and no matter where they are in their walk with Christ, it’s up to the Holy Spirit to do the rest while we can now intercede on their behalf.

Here are some areas in their spiritual growth that you can pray for:

  • Most importantly, pray that your child realizes just how much God loves them, and will come to know and trust in Jesus if they haven’t already.
  • Pray that your sponsored child has a desire to deepen their faith, and that they will feel led to share it with others.
  • Pray for them to develop a deep identity in Jesus Christ, and that they find their worth and hope in Him.
  • Pray that they lean on the Lord, and for protection from spiritual attack as they grow. 
  • Pray for God’s will and protection from persecution, and worldly influences, and that the challenges they do face would strengthen their faith. 
  • Pray that their families would also come to know Jesus Christ.
Pray for their Education and Skills

Child sponsorship transforms lives by opening doors to education. It’s not just about books and uniforms; it's about empowering dreams and providing the tools for children to carve out a future bright with possibilities. Pray for your sponsored child's journey through education, that it may be rich with learning, growth, and discovery, in a spiritual way as much as an academic one.

Learning and school can be tough. Pray for resilience in the face of academic challenges, for joy in learning, and for success in exams. Pray that your sponsored child never loses the courage to keep striving towards their dreams.

Pray for your sponsored child to discover their unique gifts and talents and find ways to use them to enrich their communities and nation in a way that glorifies God.

As children grow and face decisions about their future, pray for clarity, wisdom, and provision. Whether it's higher education or learning vocational skills and entering the workforce, these pivotal moments shape their future. Pray for guidance as they explore their passions and start building their future.

Pray for their Social and Homelife

Many of the children in our program have experienced trauma and have come from difficult backgrounds. Some children live with guardians who are relatives and many have lost one or both parents. Your child’s biography should give you a snapshot of their background, which helps to learn how to pray for their family, guardians, or siblings.

Regardless of their family background or trauma, we can pray that they will receive love and support. We can also pray for provision and self-sufficiency in their families, and for abundant opportunities.

We also have the opportunity to pray over your child’s social, mental, and emotional health. We can lift them up as they are developing and that they would make good friends and have healthy relationships, and that they would also be a source of support to their peers in their relationships.

Pray for Peace and Direction

Every child faces uncertainties. Praying for peace and direction for your sponsored child is about asking for clarity in their choices, for calm in the midst of storms, and for a sense of purpose and closeness to Jesus that guides them through life's challenges.

We hope that you have found these 5 ways to pray over your sponsored child helpful. We are extremely grateful for your partnership and willingness to intercede continuously for your sponsored child.

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