The Ripples Story

Learn about how God took a few people, modest resources, and unexpected events to create massive Ripples only He is capable of.
September 2017
Our Founders Jerry and Joni started to personally get involved with a small team of native Ugandans in Jinja. Helping with needs such as food, bedding, and education, as well as providing some Bibles and other resources
June 2018
As this small ministry grew, many friends and family started to get invloved with many becoming founding board members later on.
God is Able, never lose hope painted on boats
July 2019
Six of the kids we had been supporting fell into an unfinished septic well, with three of them passing away from their injuries. This became the tipping point for many friends and family to fully commit.

After the accident, we began forming a 501(c)(3) non-profit to serve at a higher level and ensure better accountability.
The Ripples from the Well Logo and Name Origin
November 2019
As involvement locally in the US had increased, Jerry makes the very first trip to Uganda to work hands on with the native team.
Jerry's first visit to Uganda
March 2020
🚀 Ripples becomes a 501(c)(3)
Ripples from the Well received it's letter of approval for non-profit status right at the start of a global pandemic. Ripples is born.
IRS Letter of Approval Creative Mockup
October 2021
Ripples from the Well takes it's first sanctioned mission trip team from the U.S. to Uganda, starting the first of may trips to come!
First Mission Trip
July 2022
Ripples from the Well reaches 150 children under it's care while working to develop and re-structure programs to ensure the self-sufficiency of the kids and families we serve.
150 Kids Under Care
January 2023
Ripples from the Well partners with Reliant to mobilize support based workers both locally and internationally for the Great Commission.
Reliant Mission
June 2023
🚀 1st International Workers
Our founders, Jerry and Joni pack their things and head half-way across the globe to Jinja, Uganda with their two girls.
October 2023
🚀 Ripples becomes a NGO
Ripples from the Well becomes an International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) allowing more flexibility and partnerships locally and opens doors for more international workers.
NGO Letter of Formation Creative Mockup


Ripples from the Well continues to grow and reach new territory for Jesus Christ in partnership with people like you who serve alongside us. Learn how you can create Ripples with us at the link below!
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